

Andreas Matouschek Named Interim Dean as David Vanden Bout Steps in at Provost’s Office

Matouschek, previously associate dean for research and facilities, will lead the College of Natural Sciences.

A juxtaposition of two head shots of men smiling, one in a bow tie and one in a collared shirt.


NSF Grant Establishes Center to Develop Self-Replicating Materials

These non-living materials will have capabilities including self-healing, adaptation, growth and programmability.

A gloved hand holds a liquid dropper inserted into a glass vial


Researchers Find Hidden Link Between Plants’ Growth and Immunity

A new study shows how plants balance growth and defense, offering insights for stronger, more resilient crops.

Microscopic imaging of stomata cells in plants. The cells are stained pink on a black background and look like tiny mouths.


UT Vaccine Scientist Will Be Inducted Into National Inventors Hall of Fame

McLellan, who will be inducted in Washington, D.C. on May 8, is among the youngest new inductees in hall of fame history.

A man with glasses and a beard stands in front of a window on a sunny day


Molecular Biologist Receives TAMEST O’Donnell Award

Ilya Finkelstein’s research focuses on improving gene editing, understanding DNA repair and finding disease treatments.

Portrait of Ilya Finkelstein


This Enzyme Plays a Key Role in Protecting Cells from Aging and Disease ​

Researchers from UT Austin have discovered insights about an enzyme that can protect cells from oxidative stress.

A representation of a n enzyme and a blob with a glowing reaction sparked by it


Turbocharging Protein Engineering with AI

Biotech advances from UT’s new Deep Proteins group are changing the game with help from artificial intelligence.

Three people stand silhouetted  in front of a wall-sized video display that shows several large colorful illustrations of molecules


AI Trained on Evolution’s Playbook Develops Proteins that Spur Drug and Scientific Discovery

EvoRank offers a new and tangible example of how AI may help bring disruptive change to biomedical research and biotechnology more broadly.

A colorful ribbon with twists and turns represents the three-dimensional structure of a molecule