

The University of AI

Art Markman and K.P. Procko consider how artificial intelligence is already changing the college experience, its promise and pitfalls, and future directions.

College students wearing spirit gear that reads "University of AI"


Faculty Members Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Neuroscientist Kristen Harris and molecular bioscientist Keiko Torii have received one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.

Portrait of two scientists


Two UT Scientists Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Chemist Eric Anslyn and molecular bioscientist Howard Ochman are among the UT faculty joining the Academy.

A man in glasses and a tie and a man dressed in a black collarless shirt smile for headshot photos.


11 Faculty Members Elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Jaquelin Dudley, Kristen Grauman, Arlen Johnson, Daniel Leahy, Xiaoqin “Elaine” Li and Tanya Paull receive major honor from AAAS.

Portraits of 11 scientists


McLellan Named Recipient of the 2024 IVI-SK Bioscience Park MahnHoon Award

Jason McLellan has been named the recipient of the International Vaccine Institutes Bioscience Park MahnHoon Award for his role in the development of numerous vaccines.

Jason McLellan wearing a white lab coat standing in front of the cryo-electron microscope at The University of Texas at Austin.


Alzheimer’s Drug Fermented With Help From AI and Bacteria Moves Closer to Reality

An innovative approach uses artificial intelligence and biosensors to pave the way for faster drug development.

Image of bacteria and biosensors

UT News

Cancer Prevention, Screening and Research Programs Expanding With CPRIT Support

Yi Lu and Lauren Ehrlich of the College of Natural Sciences are among the cancer researchers with exciting projects on the horizon.

Five head shots of scientists include two men and three women


Scientists Uncover Technique to Cut Off Cancer’s Fuel Supply

The discovery could lead to better treatments for acute myeloid leukemia in vulnerable populations.

Two dark cancer cells surrounded by red blood cells


David Nobles Awarded 2022 J. Roger Porter Award

David Nobles headshot