
UT News

Cancer Prevention, Screening and Research Programs Expanding With CPRIT Support

Yi Lu and Lauren Ehrlich of the College of Natural Sciences are among the cancer researchers with exciting projects on the horizon.

Five head shots of scientists include two men and three women


Scientists Uncover Technique to Cut Off Cancer’s Fuel Supply

The discovery could lead to better treatments for acute myeloid leukemia in vulnerable populations.

Two dark cancer cells surrounded by red blood cells


David Nobles Awarded 2022 J. Roger Porter Award

David Nobles headshot

UT News

UT Austin’s Top Research Stories of 2023

From a brain decoder to a supermassive black hole to a cancer drug advance, College of Natural Sciences researchers made breakthroughs this year.

A dense field of galaxies set against a black background of space


Bacteria Store Memories and Pass Them on for Generations

Bacteria use iron levels to store memories and pass them on to later generations, scientists have found.

Microscopic image of E.coli bacteria

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

Two Members of Natural Sciences Named to UT Austin’s Academy of Distinguished Teachers

Ruth Buskirk and Michael Marder are among the 2023 inductees to The University of Texas at Austin’s prestigious Academy of Distinguished Teachers.

Ruth Buskirk and Michael Marder


Researchers Identify Potential New Target for Treating T Cell Leukemia

A team led by Lauren Ehrlich found a link between myeloid cells and the cancer that often strikes children.

Green and red cells under a microscope


McLellan Named Recipient of Award for Achievement in Public Health

Jason McLellan has been named the recipient of a Research!America Advocacy Award for his work on COVID-19 vaccines.

Jason McLellan


Cancer Drug Restores Immune System’s Ability to Fight Tumors

Drug candidate developed by Everett Stone and his team is effective in mice with cancers of skin, bladder, blood and colon.

Microscope image of cancer cell with immune cells attached