News: Announcements


Andreas Matouschek Named Interim Dean as David Vanden Bout Steps in at Provost’s Office

Matouschek, previously associate dean for research and facilities, will lead the College of Natural Sciences.

A juxtaposition of two head shots of men smiling, one in a bow tie and one in a collared shirt.


NSF Grant Establishes Center to Develop Self-Replicating Materials

These non-living materials will have capabilities including self-healing, adaptation, growth and programmability.

A gloved hand holds a liquid dropper inserted into a glass vial


UT Vaccine Scientist Will Be Inducted Into National Inventors Hall of Fame

McLellan, who will be inducted in Washington, D.C. on May 8, is among the youngest new inductees in hall of fame history.

A man with glasses and a beard stands in front of a window on a sunny day


Natural Sciences Welcomes New Faculty Across the College

Familiar faces and newcomers alike are among the 13 newest tenured and tenure-track faculty members joining the college.

New faculty members 2024-2025


11 Faculty Members Elected Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science

Jaquelin Dudley, Kristen Grauman, Arlen Johnson, Daniel Leahy, Xiaoqin “Elaine” Li and Tanya Paull receive major honor from AAAS.

Portraits of 11 scientists


Texas Biologics to Bolster Research in Therapeutics

A cross-disciplinary effort made up of world-renowned faculty members and researchers working across all areas of therapeutics has launched at UT Austin.

A researcher in lab coat, goggles and gloves pipettes in a web lab


Faculty Members Named to Professorships and Endowed Chairs

Several College of Natural Sciences faculty members have been newly appointed to special professorships and endowed chairs at The University of Texas at Austin.

Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image


Meet the New Faculty Members in Natural Sciences


Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image


CNS Welcomes New Faculty As Fall Semester Begins


Seal of the University of Texas at Austin with a burnt orange filter on the image