Left to right: Sabrina Slater, Nikol Kaderabkova, Anthony Sanchez, Ran Lin and Jack Bravo.
Molecular Biosciences Postdoc Association
The Molecular Biosciences Postdoc Association (MBS PDA) was relaunched in 2021 to support our postdocs. Our efforts are supported by the generosity of MBS.
Our goals are to:
1) Provide postdocs with resources to help your career: we have travel grants, training grants, workshops, and a 1:1 mentorship scheme. See our website for details.
2) Provide opportunities to connect with other postdocs and learn new skills through regular catered events that we organise, and the academic seminars and events organised by MBS and CNS: look out for our weekly newsletters when you sign up to our mailing list (mbspostdoc on UT’s listserv).
3) Provide a platform for feedback to the college: we are well-connected in MBS and CNS and strive to get you the answers you’re looking for. Get in touch at MBSPDA@austin.utexas.edu
We host events every month, keep an eye on our mailing lists for more details – we look forward to meeting you!
- Your MBS PDA