MBS Community

Our Mission

The mission of the MBS Community Building Committee (CBC) is to foster an inclusive and cohesive culture amongst members of the MBS community, where all members of our community can belong, and feel seen, heard and valued.

The Community

Our community consists of various groups within MBS and includes Tenure track Faculty, Professional Faculty, Office Staff, Students, Research trainees (e.g., post-docs), Research staff and former members of MBS community (alumni).


  1. To build bridges amongst MBS members to foster a sense of community and belonging within the department.
  2. To increase our understanding of each other within the MBS and UT communities via increased interactions and education.
  3. To periodically survey the department’s sense of well-being and belonging.
  4. To foster and maintain relationships between current and former members of the MBS community.
  5. To build bridges between MBS and the UT community at large.
  6. To build bridges between MBS and the Austin community at large.

Getting to Know You

(Or What You Do When You're Not at UT?) CBC aims to help us connect beyond work! Each month, we’ll highlight MBS members’ lives outside of UT. Members can volunteer to share a slide presentation about something they’re proud of, such as a hobby, talent, pet or community involvement. Get to know faculty and trainees

These presentations will be displayed in the MBS office and archived on our website. We’d love for you to participate!

Undergraduate Pizza & Science Hangouts

CBC hosts monthly pizza nights to foster interactions between undergraduates and the MBS community. Our first event (11/4) was a great success, with 60 students and 7 faculty.

Join us for future hangouts! 

Next Pizza Hangout: March 25 at 4 PM at the Welch Patio