News: Research

Cockrell School of Engineering

Biomedical, Chemical Engineering Professor George Georgiou Named UT Austin Inventor of the Year

UT Austin's 2014 Inventor of the Year award was presented to Georgiou by the Office of Technology Commercialization.

The UT Tower is in the background and in the foreground flowers spell U T in a garden


Trapping a Bacterium in a Laser Beam Aids Study of Biofilms

Biofilms are responsible for most chronic infections and are notoriously resilient and hard to treat.

Two-channel fluorescence image of a stamped pattern of P. aeruginosa in an isotropic background of S. aureus at t = 6 h, after the initial pattern has developed into a localized cluster.


Possible Explanation for Human Diseases Caused by Defective Ribosomes

A new study, which uses a genetic approach to examine this paradox, suggests ribosomopathies are caused by a sequence of mistakes at the molecular level.

An illustration of a molecular structure with surface structures and smaller molecular structures of varying sizes floating nearby