
Workload Policy

The Annual Review Process details the procedures to be used for annual reviews and teaching load assignment for all tenured and tenure-track faculty.  Faculty Annual Reviews (FARs) will be the primary source of information for evaluation, and it is therefore crucial that all information that a faculty member wishes to be considered in the evaluation by contained within the FAR.

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Faculty Reviews

  • Annual Review - conducted by the Faculty Workload Committee, annual reviews currently require submission of both a CNS FAR and MBS FAR
  • Mid-Probationary Review - comprehensive review of all tenure-track faculty, performed three years after their initial appointment as an Assistant Professor.

Tenure-Track and Tenured Faculty: The College requires assistant professors to be reviewed no later than the sixth year of the probationary period and be either promoted to associate professor with tenure or placed on terminal appointment for the next year.  Associate professors with tenure may be considered for promotion to professor during any year deemed appropriate by the budget council/executive committee and department chair.  Promotion before six years in rank have elapsed for associate professors is considered accelerated and must be explained.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty: Recommendations for promotion of lecturer or senior lecturer, research assistant and research associate professors, adjunct assistant professor, adjunct associate professor, clinical instructor, clinical assistant professor, and clinical associate professor may be considered after the individual has served in his or her current rank at the university for at least six years.  Recommendations for accelerated promotion must be explained and justified.  Although all contributions and accomplishments of non-tenure track candidates should be evaluated where applicable, special emphasis is to be given to teaching performance and at least one other area of contribution for faculty in lecturer, clinical, and adjunct titles, and to research activity and other academic contributions for faculty in research professor titles.

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